The Best Yard Dice To Buy In 2023

Yard Dice are regular dice that are supersized for the lawn or backyard.

The standard size of yard dice is 3.5-inch x 3.5-inch. Compare this with the standard size of regular dice, which is 12-mm x 12-mm, and you can see that yard dice are much bigger than regulal dice.

Quick Picks

Yard Dice: Games

Any game that you can play with regular dice, you can play with yard dice.  There are no special rules just because the dice are bigger. To that effect, simply follow the rules of the normal dice game when using giant yard dice on your lawn.

The most popular giant-sized dice games are (with links to rules):

All of the mega dice sets we review below come with a rule sheet and score sheet for the two most popular yard dice games: yardzee and yarkle, so no need to worry about the rules and making a score sheet just yet. After you order your yard dice, then read the rules!

Yard Dice: How-To

You can make your own yard dice or you can buy an inexpensive set on Amazon. Below, we review the four best yard dice you can buy.

Our Reviews

If you are purchasing a set of yard dice, you can pick between wooden yard dice or foam yard dice.

The only yard dice brands we recommend are the ones which are made of sanded, solid wood with the number dots burned right into the wood, ensuring the number dots will never rub off. These style of yard dice look classier too.

The cheaper wooden yard dice brands we recommend did not come treated (the ROPODA basic and GoSports basic set). Accordingly, if you go for one of our suggested cheaper models, you may be inclined to stain them with polyurethane or linseed oil to protect the wood and prevent grass stains on your giant dice (you can also add a touch of shine or color using your desired stain). Alternatively, you can purchase the more premium GoSports Giant Stained Wooden Dice or ROPODA Premium Yard Dice, which come weather-treated/stained.

All of the yard dice sets we reviewed came with six mega-sized dice, which is just enough dice for most, but not all classic dice games. Check to confirm you need two sets (or more) of yard dice if you are planning on playing a dice game that requires more than six dice. To be sure, the most popular yard dice game, yardzee, only requires five dice, so buying one set is perfect for that.

Best Picks

We are going to recommend 4 different yard dice sets. All four of them are very good. Three of them are wooden, and one is foam. All are similarly high quality and worth a purchase, but we gave the edge to the basic ROPODA set because it had the clearest game instructions included on the dry erase board and cost the least.

What is your favourite yard or giant sized-dice game? Let us know in the comments below! We would love to include more popular dice games in this post.

While you are here, be sure to check out our picks for the best outdoor games for adults in 2023.

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